Thursday, July 21, 2011

Big Bang Theory

Energy in physics is synonymous to the actions of a living being. The idea here is like physics without energy is as dormant as are human being without their actions. We all know how the universe has been expanding even as we work and how the universe started to expand cause of the high energy it gained and suddenly with a big bang and has been continuing ever since. When I measured this with the amount of dedication and hard work a person puts in trying to succeed without thoughts of failure and finally gets successful in his area of interest, I was forced to write on this topic on the parallelism of energy and actions.
If you have been good at physics, you might know how the dissipation of energy impacts the set action to change and unfortunately, this is applicable in the actions the human being takes. For example, had there been lesser energy that resulted in matter to push so far, it would have lost the energy in collision with one another.
Now the question is how much momentum one must get to launch oneself, such that he does not dissipate the energy gained over the constructive actions that were put in. Here, we must dig deep within ourselves and analyze if the energy gathered has been enough to keep us gain stability in our area of interest. If we analyze appropriately we would learn how our daily life has been making us to lose the amount of energy that is required to SUCCEED in our terms.
I have hardly come across a success story of a person who was about to be successful. As there is no mathematics involved to conclude final result looking at some pattern, for it is the physics that has been guiding our life for so many centuries. The person who keeps on acting irrespective of his surrounding and do not let it disturb his momentum is the one who has the last laugh. One quote close to my heart "It doesn't matter from where we start, but matters where we end" is in sync to what I want to convey here. Let go, all the feeling that impacts our actions and focus the energy in what is dearer to us and the big bang would be such that it would cause an outward disturbance rather than inside.
Those who are busy dissipating their energy on others and lose their focus might work out on energy gathered from the surrounding. But, that energy will hardly provide the required momentum to launch to stability, for there would be obvious collusion for the lesser energy distribution. The energy gained by contracting and then evolving would always be more than that of extract from the surrounding atmosphere. Hence, little help can one get in the long journey that life offers.
I have always been confused about what to write in the concluding lines for nothing can conclude a conversation, for so much is to be heard and written. What I wanted to convey is if you have decided to perform an action, let it not be affected by the inputs you get from others.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

DNA of selfishness

As I write this blog sitting in the park that does not fall in my block (Rule: Other block residents are not allowed to enter there). I am left with a thought if, there is still anything I can enjoy without owning or paying for it. At the time when the gorkhas now have the right over their own motherland, I would like to point out how we are trapped in a dogma of enjoying only when we own something or allow others to use at their cost.
It all started by 2 men homosapien 1 and homosapien 2  involved in a discussion weather  one  wants some stones in return of some leaves to cover himself from the tree on which he stays. And that was it, homosapien 1 soon understood the advantage in making few stones for some leaves. In this way he had more time spending time on his tree. People would just come to him for leaves or stones and exchange them with what he demanded (or was made to demand by his wife). This way not only homosapien 1 was happy but it made others more happier for now they could spend more time on their work (collecting leaves or making tools) so with this time as they say “An empty brain is a devil’s shop” he began to find out more opportunities to own things which meant to be more valuable to him then others as thus started the age old bartering system. Often known as, price of an object to today’s generation.
Working in this fashion was becoming easier day by day as those who owned stuff gave  no second thought on exchanging (bartering) it and vice versa. This kept on going for ages until raw meat was substituted by fruits, trees by caves and animal skin followed leaves (And this was necessary too, as the herds that they grew were taking away their resources like leaves, trees and fruits.)
With the smartness that they possessed and the free time they had as the other proverb goes “With freedom comes creativity” the later generation kept on advancing with the invention of farming, wheels and not to forget fire and this gave them not just the new modes of exchanging but also allowed them to interact with their fellow men and spend time on leisure (and thus giving birth to what is now coined as entertainment tax or charges)
And this was just the beginning for what has been happening for the past few centuries is just a way homosapien 1 and 2 once found out.
I wonder how we might have thought of paying for water or air in the last century but this is an evitable truth now. For all the services you avail you need to pay for that your right has been just written off.
The way bartering system has evolved, it has changed how human being thinks, works and socializes. If, there wouldn’t have been work decided on a common consensus for us to avail we couldn’t have interacted across the globe or probably consumed products made in other countries. This is where bartering system has gone from 2 neighbors to the whole world (what we call as globalization).
But, when the choice is taken away from oneself and he has no option left but to get access to it paying for it then, it is always advisable to assess the frame of mind we work in and when no two individuals think in the same way and the more things we discover to be bartered the lesser choice we would be left with to really own.