Monday, January 31, 2011

How to become a superhero!!!

Sometimes life takes its toll and we move in a safe direction. Have you ever analyzed the lives of your favorite superhero (Spiderman, batman or superman)? Have you ever seen the contrasting life they spend and still they get stronger and stronger each time they are surrounded by dangerous situation? Why do they choose such a path and then keep on going on it no matter what may come. Have you ever thought why they are living a dual life when they can choose the better one and gain everything a normal human being can ask for alias money, power, status etc .Yet, how come they are hard enough to choose an ascetic life filled with misery.

I recently came across another character a guy called Francis from Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged and then, I compared all of them and came to just one conclusion. “Life is not the way you live but the way you act.” Life is an action done by a person to bring it alive. That action needless to say is nothing but your passion and only you decide your passion for yourself, nobody else. Your passion is your dream without expectation, dream has to be selfless irrespective of your want for money, power, status it’s something that will make you happy. If your dream is about getting rich than it’s not really your dream but it’s an extension of your actions. You can’t just get rich without putting something into action or you can’t get a life after being rich in that case.

 The reality is its your action towards your dream that makes other things follow and to make it clearer, I would go back to from where I started and that is life of a superhero “Spiderman”. He is a normal guy in his real life, out of money, no personality and being bullied by others and a profession that he chooses just to earn and get basic needs. In another world, where he is alive and passionate about things that make him happy like, helping others. He has complete freedom of being a spider man where he can choose to be what he wants and no one bothers his decision.

If, you dig deep inside you would find you are living a life of a normal guy. These have been pressed upon you cause of various circumstances and cause of these situations and suggestions we have given up our chance of being a superhero, the choice that all have in our own terms. All we need to do is forget about what’s going around us and work on what makes us happy. Forget about money, power and other stuff and do what you love to do when you get free from routine work and that will make you feel alive and fresh.”A superhero of yourself”


Thursday, January 27, 2011

Following a Follower

We come across motivation quotes insisting us to hold our self during times of tide. We are guided by great people who incite the fire within us to follow our dreams, to not give up our hope and aspiration (blah blah). But, have you ever noticed how the path we follow towards the dream is forgotten or rather we lose our path. Hence, the fascination towards following and different combinations we try in between our path to be and actual path made me write about whether we are following our dreams or some other follower.

In general we don’t follow our dreams. We follow ideas, follow suggestions, follow our ego, and follow path taken by others. Ideas are not hard to come by compared to their actions. We speak, criticize, comment and suggest. Neither do we lose our energy nor do we move an inch forward but still we do that. We follow the situation that demands us to be smart and be verbal. (Are we a critic?, have we acted upon that ? )  Certainly, not. We are just in a trap that demands us to show or verbosity just to get an edge over others. We follow suggestions (do this, do that) and we sometimes follow them and sometimes retaliate. (Are we lost? are we incapable of being decisive?). We at times follow our ego and that leads to us being all around. We try to be what we are not but just cause it satisfies us for a short period of time we lose our self and start following what is not meant to be our and doesn't belong to us. We often trace path followed by others drawing a line comparing others and making it a benchmark. Doing this we completely come off the track and get onto the path followed by him/her and hence, when we look back we might have traced a zigzag path. Either that results in us being lost or we feel incomplete. Most of the times we do this or at least I did that.

What we forget is that all this time we have been going farther and farther from our real self. You might have seen in movies how a protagonist after initial hesitation to adjust at a place turns into one of their kind. Adjustment is good but when it transforms your real self will only result in putting you miles from your destination. It’s good to follow others but not for deciding destination but to get going. May be your path is a bumpy ride but you have a confirmed ticket to your destination. On the contrary you might have a luxurious ride in between but does it guarantee your timely arrival? God knows. So hang on a righteous path however hard it may be keeps your destination intact.
If you look around you will find people have stopped going for what makes them happy but instead switch on to means that make them happy. Biggest of them all is money. I won’t go around money but only state that money will follow those who follow themselves. We never thought of money right from our childhood but once it’s in our hand in plenty we start following it. All we thought of our destinations but never money and sooner or later when it’s at our doorstep instead of being a host to it, we become its guest. So, it depends on money afterwards that for how long it wants to play a host. So, if you set your sight right and let go other distractions you would surely be followed by others. (There's no shortage of followers but guidance for sure).

So, before it gets too long I would like you to look back (money, skill, others) and look at present and look forward if your destination is intact well and good but if not, you still have all the time in the world to believe in yourself and be on your destined path at this moment.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


I have long been thinking of re-incarnation, right from my childhood days. I still wonder how this world (a playground or a movie) is connected or disconnected to our very own self. We try to get connected to this world through our actions (Our Karma, as Lord Krishna taught to Arjun) we flow in between different emotions at different phases of our life varying from being happy to being sad. We forget what once a great man said "Happiness follows sadness, like darkeness does to light and night to day"(rephrased). So should have worked on life being followerd by death. Though we certainly enjoy our happy days but its our bad days that make them enjoyable(just wonder how during my days of struggle, I get connected to my self and that bring the best out of me) and I start enjoying that period and it switches on to my happy days.

Anyways, lets not distract from our topic of finding a connection between life and death. As, I was not born with a silver spoon or my life isin't that freeflowing so I can sit back and think of my bad life (a collection of few bad years or thousands of bad days) and may be that would bring out best within me and I would soon get a good life isin't it.Atleast universal theory of (get going and learning from our mistakes to make oneself a better person) must be applied here. But, we have no past life to recall nor do we remember past mistakes. So what do we do now ??? Easy, we switch on to a movie. I am sure you must have connected to a protoganist in one way or the other in a movie, haven't you. Characters that made you cry,laugh etc etc.

So, what movie show we switch on to ? The real world movie comprising of hundereds of people we gaze everyday, few hundreds we interact to and tens that make us feel good or bad from time to time.Some have an inborn skill of being analytical and few being statistical.Being analytical is a simpler way of realizing our mistakes, we analyze people their nature, actions and how we bless or curse them.Emotions that run deep within us for others in a life time is equivalent to actions done on other for a days time. So, our emotions towards others might not have an immediate effect on others(weather we interact with them or not) but it would surely have a long lasting effect in his/her life to come.To make things simple I would say they keep on collecting, all good or bad.
So, a person who makes us feel good we bless him/her from within and so does people around us and that would keep on accumalating and will reap its fruits in the next life and vice versa.But, it applies not only on human but on everyone. A life is a life and eveything we do does get accounted to..So, killing a man and killing an ant may be different to you and me.But, certainly not for antkind.So, its not that a law abiding citizen would have a better life cause law is moulded to suit a particular generation.Other thing is we might argue that our actions are not to cause harm but thats the way we are supposed to be. I would take reference of a day's time to make this clear, suppose you cause harm to someone (kick a dog) the retaliation would follow. In a life time that would multiply and so would the retaliation(believe it or not). A murderer might be a murderer for you and me but who know his life was taken by those very people or was made to suffer in past life or a a rapist in last life (who was cursed by thousands) is a prostitute today and being done by those.
Statistically, one can collect data for the condition in which people pass (in hospital or other ways of misery) irrespective of being rich and people and compare it to those who smiled on their departure (list might be short but Teresa,Genuine Saints across the world ) might give you an idea.
All in all action have their results good or bad and no one escapes them. So, make your present shape you future no career wise or moeny wise  but also, in life to come.
Re-incarnation though couldn't be proved but surely can be felt by relating to a real life protoganist around us.We shape our life knowingly or unknowingly before we come to existence.
I would like to discuss more on this topic in days to come for this has been my savior and I wish it was proved statistically too.