Sometimes life takes its toll and we move in a safe direction. Have you ever analyzed the lives of your favorite superhero (Spiderman, batman or superman)? Have you ever seen the contrasting life they spend and still they get stronger and stronger each time they are surrounded by dangerous situation? Why do they choose such a path and then keep on going on it no matter what may come. Have you ever thought why they are living a dual life when they can choose the better one and gain everything a normal human being can ask for alias money, power, status etc .Yet, how come they are hard enough to choose an ascetic life filled with misery.
I recently came across another character a guy called Francis from Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged and then, I compared all of them and came to just one conclusion. “Life is not the way you live but the way you act.” Life is an action done by a person to bring it alive. That action needless to say is nothing but your passion and only you decide your passion for yourself, nobody else. Your passion is your dream without expectation, dream has to be selfless irrespective of your want for money, power, status it’s something that will make you happy. If your dream is about getting rich than it’s not really your dream but it’s an extension of your actions. You can’t just get rich without putting something into action or you can’t get a life after being rich in that case.
The reality is its your action towards your dream that makes other things follow and to make it clearer, I would go back to from where I started and that is life of a superhero “Spiderman”. He is a normal guy in his real life, out of money, no personality and being bullied by others and a profession that he chooses just to earn and get basic needs. In another world, where he is alive and passionate about things that make him happy like, helping others. He has complete freedom of being a spider man where he can choose to be what he wants and no one bothers his decision.
If, you dig deep inside you would find you are living a life of a normal guy. These have been pressed upon you cause of various circumstances and cause of these situations and suggestions we have given up our chance of being a superhero, the choice that all have in our own terms. All we need to do is forget about what’s going around us and work on what makes us happy. Forget about money, power and other stuff and do what you love to do when you get free from routine work and that will make you feel alive and fresh.”A superhero of yourself”
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