Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Just a thought

It all started by Watergates and soon a new way was devised to keep making money. The new way is the corporate, political clout over the denizens. These corporate or dealers strike the cord with the govt. of the countries and provide them more and more access to countries resources at higher price to their own citizen and in return share cut with those who help them “The Government” and thus making sure that their work is not hindered.
How do the government make money to deal with corporate of other countries and government?  Tax collections. But, what they missed this time is that you can fool few person most of the time but not all people all the time.
If you dig deep into the various deals between countries and countries, corporate - countries or countries-corporate-countries, you would find the common mechanism government lobbying on behalf of countries, multi million dollar deals and no effective result. The only result we find is people involved in these deals make a handsome cut for them. Since, this money is concealed routed through tax heaven to Swiss banks. The implications of these are as simple on can get.
1. Inflation shooting up.
2. Increased tax.
3. Low saving and more debt.
4. Low wages for government employees.
5. Increased corruption at lower level.
6. High level of stress and frustration.
7. Increased Unrest in the society.
Though, the British left once the World War II left their country in ruins. They had looted the countries and slowly and slowly withdrew their clout from the countries. The Independence of India not just opened a new era to us. But also to the power hungry people and that was "Divide and Rule". They gave us something that was necessary for them to survive.
 1. Divide the affluent class from ambitious class by what was called the "Licence Raj"
 2. Divide the low class into different caste so that, they remain cobwebbed in smaller issues.
 3. Divide the various clauses in constitution to accommodate the political will and use the same against those who raise their voice.
If you see in any case where a broker is involved prices are bound to go up of any deal and not only that the looser is from whom money has been extracted. The broker keeps a cut from both the parties and thus inflating the price. You will notice that at most of the places government acts a mediator between dealer and what is to be dealt with. Weather its a highway contract in which the state government is the mediator between the contractors. The bid goes to those who shower riches on the mediator. This has been a common nexus when it comes to different countries where the govt. lobbies for corporate though policy mechanism and in turn benefit from them.
The loot from people through corporate deals and money is not that discernible. The process though gradual ensures that those who rule are benefited at last.
